The Benefits of Sheeps Milk

The Benefits of Sheeps Milk

Feb | 2017 | merepark

As sheep farmers, we’re pretty well-versed on the benefits of sheep’s milk, and we know how it differs from other milks on the market. We’ve also seen many health fads come and go over the years. Indeed, even in the course of one year, there’s Veganuary (where people go vegan for the month of January), Meat Free Monday (a challenge to substitute a meat-based meal for a veggie one every Monday) and various other initiatives to get people eating less meat and reducing the impact they have on the environment.

No matter which lifestyle choice you make, one thing’s clear – people are much more health conscious than they’ve ever been, whether that’s reducing their sugar intake or laying off the lactose. Lots of adults find that, although cows’ milk has been a dietary staple for them for years, it can actually be tough on their digestive system. So why is that?

Are you ready for the science bit?

Well, first of all, the ability to digest milk is a relatively new skill for humans (and it’s also quite particular to Europe, according to this report.) People who have difficulties with dairy products usually have problems digesting lactose, which is the main sugar found in dairy products. What lots of people don’t know though, is that not all milks are created equally!

With that in mind, we’ve created a cheat sheet for some of the main benefits of sheep’s milk.

Smaller fat globules

Sheep’s milk contains smaller fat globules, along with more medium-chain fatty acids. Why does this help? It means that the fat is evenly distributed throughout the milk, which naturally aids digestion, so those who have trouble with cow’s milk might find sheep’s milk a good alternative.

Naturally great milk producers

We know that “our girls” are great milk producers – and that’s true of nearly all sheep. One of the biggest benefits of sheep’s milk (for sheep farmers like us) is that sheep produce incredibly rich milk on a 100% grass diet – that means no extra grains, nothing else – just grass.

Virtuous vitamins & minerals

Yet another of the benefits of sheep’s milk is the high level of vitamins it contains. Sheep’s milk is richer in vitamins A, B, D and E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium than cow’s milk. For expectant mothers, the strong concentration of both folic acid and vitamin B12 make sheep’s milk a great choice.

And finally…check out the cheeses

Whilst you browse the cheese aisle on your weekly shop, you’ll have come across famous varieties such as Manchego, Pecorino and Roquefort, but did you know they’re all made from sheep’s milk? What about other staples on your shopping list, like yogurt, feta or ricotta? Yep, they’re all from sheep’s milk too.

We could go on and on (and on…) about the benefits of sheep’s milk, whether it’s the benefits for your digestive tract or your taste buds, but we reckon it’s better for you to taste it for yourself. You can check out a list of suppliers by clicking on this link: